Monthly Archives: February 2012

slacker mom.

Hope your V-Day was happy, friends.

Mine? I typically don’t put pressure on myself or others for Valentine’s Day, and thank goodness. People lose their minds, no?

And pinterest? I love you, but my God, you have created a freakin’ annoying group of monsters. You put the idea in my head to create cute valentines for my kids, but alas, this slacker mom BOUGHT them. High five to me, though, for purchasing them a week in advance. My kids didn’t wake up to heart shaped pieces of toasts and didn’t lunch on heart shaped p b & j, but I don’t think they are any worse for the wear. I felt a bit of guilt, but then remembered this:

Upon arriving from home from an errand, a little boy ran out to greet me. He ran into my arms and we hugged for a really long time under the star-filled night, and I whispered to him, “Thank you for being my valentine. Do you know how much I love you?” And he replied back, “More than all the stars in the sky. I love you too, mommy.”

all pics via pinterest (but peruse with caution. it’s addictive!)

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Filed under celebrations, family, mommyhood